Membership Information
Detroit Metropolitan ZTA Alumnae Chapter Membership
Membership in Detroit Metro is open to any Zeta Tau Alpha alumna. To join our chapter, please:
1) Pay dues online using our Square website
2) Complete the 2024-2025 Membership Form
See the Membership Form and Pay Dues Online page for more details.
Membership Involvement
Our events consist of social activities, service projects, alumnae-collegiate functions with local chapters in the state of Michigan, and various fundraisers for the Fraternity's philanthropic programs. The beauty of being an alumna is choosing the events that you would like to attend and that suit your schedule. Our expectations are that members come when it fits their schedule, nothing is mandatory or required. We are all very busy multitaskers, and participate in the fundraising, philanthropy and social events as we are able. We use email, Google calendar invitations, and Facebook events to send out notices and ask that you RSVP so we can get an accurate count.
Members have access to Members Only Facebook group for additional virtual connection, communication, and sharing.
If you are willing, able and interested to offer some extra time to hostess or plan an event or serve for a two-year term as an officer, please let us know!
Membership Fees
We keep membership fees low, knowing that members cannot attend all events in any given calendar year. Dinners out or other outings are individual expense as you are able to attend. Dues are paid at the start of the fiscal year (August 1st) or by the first regular event in September. Final dues deadline is October 1st.
Dues offset chapter annual expenses and fundraising including:
Chapter website
Panhellenic dues and annual fundraiser
Zeta Day fundraiser
Annual recruitment events
Checking Account maintenance
Local philanthropy donations
Contribution to ZTA Foundation
Convention delegate expenses
If you would like more information on Membership with Detroit Metro ZTA Alumnae Chapter, please email us at Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. We look forward to seeing you soon!
If you are no longer in the Detroit Metro area, or you recently moved here and haven’t heard from us, most likely your contact info is outdated and still has your parents address from your college days. Help us keep you updated and in touch with your collegiate sisters and sisters in your area!
Follow these steps to quickly update your contact information in 5 minutes:
-Login to Sisters Only at
-Go to your profile and update contact info, email, phone and street address as well as how you want to be contacted. You can also update your communication preferences so ZTA can keep you connected to happenings in your area or special events and updated with your collegiate chapter.
-Save and logout, that’s it!
Zeta isn’t just four years it’s forever, so update your information and be a part of it all!